Lucy Kornblith, M.D. and Zachary Matthay, M.D. Awarded Two Grants for COVID-19 Research
UCSF Department of Surgery at Zuckerberg San Francisco General - July 01, 2020

UCSF Surgeon-scientist Lucy Kornblith, M.D. (PI) and her mentee, Zachary Matthay, M.D. (Co-PI) were awarded two grants for their proposed COVID-19-related research by the UCSF COVID-19 Rapid Response Pilot Grant Program, supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, and National Institutes of Health (sponsored by the UCSF Academic Senate, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and the Research Development Office).
The first award will support their proposed prospective study entitled "CO-ACIT: COVID-19 Associated Coagulopathy, Inflammation, and [...]