Hepatobiliary & Pancreas Service at UCSF

In July 2011, the Department of Surgery created a new Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Service naming Carlos Corvera M.D., a hepatobiliary surgical oncologist, as its Chief. The multidisciplinary program brings together faculty members from surgery, hepatology, medical oncology, anesthesia, radiology and pathology to care for patients with benign and malignant conditions of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas. The service holds clinics and weekly tumor boards at the Mt. Zion and Parnassus campuses of UCSF.
"Rather than isolated silos of care, we have a team approach, which makes a big difference for the overall care of the patients," said Dr. Corvera. "When you are looking at a broad spectrum of disease, there are often competing therapies for which a patient might be a good candidate," said John Roberts, MD, FACS, chief of the UCSF Transplant Service."