Nature Reviews Nephrology Reseach Highlight Reports on Sarwal Lab's Research into the Role of AECAs in Graft Rejection

Nature Reviews Nephrology recently reported on the Sarwal Lab's research elucidating the role of AECAs in graft rejection:
Evidence from clinical studies has implicated non-HLA anti-endothelial cell antibodies (AECAs) in transplant rejection. However, the pathogenic mechanisms by whch these antibodies might contribute to renal allograft dysfunction are not well understood. Now, new data from Annette Jackson, Minnie Sarwal (pictured right) and colleagues suggest that AECAs activate the vascular endothelium, resulting in inflammation and microvascular injury", as reported in Research Highlights for Nature Reviews Nephrology for January 2015. .................
The researchers hope that their findings will lead to routine clinical testing for AECAs. “A risk score for vascular rejection secondary to AECAs could enable improved induction therapy and avoidance or reversal of rejection, with downstream benefits of improved graft survival and function,” explains Sarwal.....
Jackson AM, Sigdel TK, Delville M, Hsieh SC, Dai H, Bagnasco S, Montgomery RA, Sarwal MM