Doctor: No problems after Antioch toddler undergoes kidney and liver transplant

UCSF Transplant Surgery - June 05, 2013
"The sun wasn't up at 5 o'clock Wednesday morning, but a new day had already dawned for Matthew Ouimet. Matthew, a 2-year-old Antioch boy who had waited 15 months for a life-sustaining kidney and liver transplant, had his new organs. Dr. John Roberts took the lead on the liver transplant, and Dr. Peter Stock, who handled the kidney procedure in a 12-hour surgery that began around 6 p.m. Tuesday, delivered the good news to parents Kristi and Kelly Ouimet and a half-dozen family members who spent the night at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital. "They look pretty good," Stock said of the transplanted organs. "There were no problems. He's very stable."
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